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Maximize Productivity.
Minimize Cost.

Ocado Intelligent Automation

Honed By Over 20 Years of First-Hand Operational Experience.

The Ocado Automated Storage and Retrieval System (OSRS) simplifies and streamlines many complex challenges facing modern supply chains today. It’s the result of over 20 years of R&D—informed by the experience of maximizing efficiency and minimizing costs in our own warehouses.

Our autonomous, concurrent robot-on-grid design reduces the surface area, and level of human oversight needed, in both greenfield and brownfield sites.

Flexible bin storage systems can handle products from a wide range of industries, enabling businesses to increase order throughput, speed and accuracy.

And our world-class warehouse execution system (WES) software orchestrates and optimizes every part of the process.

Ocado Intelligent Automation

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Ocado Intelligent Automation

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